You and We: A Visual Language for Volunteer Work

Designing a Positive Image of Volunteerism

This project aims to bridge the gap between volunteers and the public, promoting a positive image of volunteer work and encouraging social change. Inspired by basic shapes and the universal appeal of LEGO, designer Yujin Jung has created a visual language that is easily accessible and can be expanded upon.

Volunteering plays a crucial role in society, but not everyone finds it easy to get involved. Yujin Jung recognized the need to reduce the distance between volunteers and the public, and to clearly communicate the positive impact of volunteer work. Drawing inspiration from basic shapes found in our surroundings and the beloved LEGO toy, Jung has developed a visual language that is both familiar and engaging.

The uniqueness of this design lies in its visual assets, which consist of 83 representative images of volunteer work. These assets include 54 graphics, 15 illustrations, and 14 icons, all designed to help people easily understand the different categories of volunteer work. The graphics are modular in design, centered around the themes of volunteer work and people, while the illustrations depict various types of volunteer activities, creating a sense of familiarity and inclusivity.

Creating this visual language required extensive research to identify common patterns among volunteers. Jung used Adobe Illustrator to develop vector-based assets that can be used in a versatile manner. The result is a comprehensive set of visual assets, including graphics, illustrations, and icons, that effectively communicate the mood and meaning of each volunteer role.

To ensure accessibility, the visual assets are available for download on the project's website. This allows anyone in need of volunteer-related images to easily access and utilize them. Additionally, a manual book has been created, measuring 210mm x 297mm, providing technical specifications and guidance on how to effectively use the visual assets in various formats such as AI, SVG, PNG, JPG, and PDF.

The "You and We" project was initiated in April 2019 and completed in June 2019 in the Republic of Korea. Throughout the project, extensive research was conducted through surveys, interviews, and discussions with volunteers to better understand the image of volunteer work. By categorizing 83 items and analyzing the commonalities among them, Jung was able to simplify the behaviors, moods, environments, and characteristic props associated with each volunteer activity.

One of the main challenges faced during the design process was to break away from the stereotype of volunteer work as solely helping those in need. Jung aimed to convey the interaction between volunteers and recipients, highlighting the active and communicative nature of volunteering. Through continuous refinement and reconfiguration, the design successfully captures the essence of this interaction.

The "You and We" project has received recognition for its innovative design and practicality. In 2020, it was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category. This award acknowledges designs that meet professional and industrial requirements, integrating industry best practices and technical excellence to contribute to a better world.

The "You and We" project by Yujin Jung showcases the power of design in promoting positive social change. By creating a visual language that is accessible, engaging, and inclusive, this project aims to inspire more individuals to get involved in volunteer work and make a difference in their communities.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: YuJin Jung
Image Credits: YuJin Jung
Project Team Members: YuJin Jung
Project Name: You and We
Project Client: YuJin Jung

You and We IMG #2
You and We IMG #3
You and We IMG #4
You and We IMG #5
You and We IMG #5

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